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Making mistakes is part of life. However, when it comes to your online business, avoiding mistakes is likely your number one priority.
There are three common marketing mistakes that thousands of newbie e-commerce and online business owners often make without realizing that they’re sabotaging their chances of success.
Read through these three classic mistakes, and use the recommendations to get you back on the right path.
Lack of Passion
One of the biggest mistakes a lot of newbie marketers make is to assume that online marketing is easy. This false assumption trips them up when they realize just how much work is required to make an online business work.
You’ve likely seen your fair share of ‘make money online’ guides full of promises, right?
They claim easy profits can be had with an e-commerce shop while working just two hours per week — Painting a picture of a luxurious life of sipping cocktails on the beach while your bank account gets fatter and fatter.
The reality, unfortunately, is quite the opposite.
You’ll need to spend a lot of time tweaking, testing, and setting up the required elements in order to get your business off the ground. And that dedication requires a fair amount of passion. Not just for making money, you have to have a passion for your niche as well.
If you lack passion for your online business, you’ll quit at the drop of a hat when the going gets tough… and it will likely get a little tough. Getting started is just the beginning. You need to go through the sales funnels, landing pages, ads, and content creation until you reach a place where your income is stable and passive.
Then, you will start to have the freedom to live life the way you want. Always remember that being persistent will help you reach your goals and being consistent will help keep you on top.
So, ask yourself what your online business means to you. Why do you wish to do it? If you are simply looking for a quick buck with minimal effort…e-commerce isn’t the path for you.
It may seem harsh, but it’s the truth. Your goals need to be bigger than a quick buck.
Lack of Repetition
Repetition is the mother of skill. It doesn’t matter if you’re a writer, a virtual assistant, or you have an e-commerce store — you absolutely have to keep doing what you’re doing so that you get good at it.
It will take time to hone your skills, quit making marketing mistakes, and discover the nuances and subtleties of your chosen online business.
Repetition leads to experience.
One good example of the importance of repetition would be paid advertising. There’s always a stage where you’ll lose some money because your ads don’t convert or you’re targeting the wrong people. If you give up at the first sign of failure, you’ll never develop the knowledge to get good at it.
The goal is to keep repeating what you’re doing, while making small changes where necessary, to improve your chances of success. Over time, you’ll be able to write better ads and instinctively know which markets are worth targeting.
Most newbies quit too soon.
They do not give themselves enough time to repeat, make mistakes, and learn. They fear failure without realizing that failure is not the opposite of success but a crucial part of success.
Forgetting It’s a Numbers Game
The Pareto principle states that roughly 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. That essentially means that if you have 10 websites, 20 will make money. If you publish 10o Kindle books, 20 of them might be bestsellers while the rest collect dust.
Most beginners just don’t do enough. They may write one Kindle book. If it doesn’t take off, they give up. Or they set up a blog, write five posts, and then quit when the affiliate sales don’t start rolling in. They’ve barely scratched the surface of their online business, but they are already throwing in the towel.
You need to take massive action. A lot of it. The more effort you expend, the better your results.
Now that you understand these three marketing mistakes that newbies to the online business world most often make, you can go out of your way to avoid them. Right?